- Off-Campus Buildings
- Delta Phi Epsilon (117)
- Talent Development Achievement House (KC05C)
- 95 Upper College Road (KC61)
- 210 Flagg Road (KC29A)
- Adams Hall (KC23)
- Adams House (KC96)
- Administrative Services (KC67A)
- Aldrich Hall (KC52)
- Alpha Chi Omega (110)
- Alpha Delta Pi (111)
- Alpha Xi Delta (202)
- Alumni Center (KC41B)
- Automotive Garage (KC86)
- Avedisian Hall (KC74B)
- Ballentine Hall (KC58)
- Lippitt Hall Heating Plant (312)
- Barlow Hall (KC46)
- Baseball Batting Barn (KC77B)
- Richard E. Beaupre Center for Chemical & Forensic Sciences (KC78C)
- Bliss Hall (KC12)
- Boss Arena (KC34A)
- Bressler Hall (KC03)
- Brookside Hall (KC65)
- Browning Hall (KC44)
- Burnside Hall (KC53)
- Butterfield Dining Hall (KC02A)
- Butterfield Hall (KC02)
- Carlotti Administration (KC36)
- Catholic Center (19)
- Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences (KC56A)
- Central Receiving Warehouse (KC41A)
- Chafee Social Science Center (KC69)
- Chi Omega (116)
- Child Development Center (KC26)
- Christopher House (KC77)
- Coastal Institute (KC85)
- Coddington Hall (KC54)
- Davis Hall (KC16)
- Delta Zeta (113)
- Dining Services Distribution Center (KC01A)
- Dorr Hall (KC55)
- East Hall (KC14)
- Eddy Hall (KC47A)
- Edwards Hall (KC09)
- Environmental Health and Safety (KC28C)
- Ellery Hall (KC56)
- Emergency Medical Services (KC57A)
- Fascitelli Center for Advanced Engineering (KC59)
- Fascitelli Fitness and Wellness Center (KC67)
- Fayerweather Hall (KC68)
- Fine Arts Center (KC50)
- Fogarty Hall (KC48)
- URI Foundation Building (KC99)
- Garrahy Hall (KC45B)
- University Gateway Building 2 (KC29.2)
- University Gateway Building 4 (KC27.4)
- University Gateway Building 6 (KC28.6)
- University Gateway Building 8 (KC32.8)
- Gardner Crops Research Center (KC61A)
- Gender and Sexuality Center (KC89A)
- Gorham Hall (KC68A)
- Green Hall (KC07)
- Greenhouse and Conservatory (KC24A)
- Hart House (KC30A)
- Heathman Hall (KC60A)
- Hillel Center (244)
- Hillside Hall (KC76A)
- Hope Commons (KC49B)
- Hopkins Hall (KC57)
- HRL Maintenance (KC94A)
- HRL Warehouse (KC28B)
- Hutchinson Hall (KC25)
- Human Resources Building (KC23B)
- Independence Square Office Bldg (KC03A)
- Institute for International Sports Building (192)
- International Student Center (KC89)
- Invasion Biology and Restoration Ecology Facility (205)
- John Grandin IEP House (KC37A)
- Kappa Delta (121)
- Keaney Gymnasium (KC01)
- Kingston Fire Station (KC60)
- Kirk Applied Engineering Laboratory (KC18)
- Kirk Center for Advanced Technology (KC18A)
- Lambda Chi Alpha (184)
- Robert L. Carothers Library and Learning Commons (KC47)
- Lippitt Hall (KC08)
- Mackal Field House (KC78A)
- Mallon Outreach Center (KC71)
- Meade Stadium (KC80)
- Memorial Union (KC05)
- Merrow Hall (KC42)
- Morrill Hall (KC51)
- Multicultural Student Services Center (KC20B)
- Newman Hall (KC05B)
- Pastore Hall (KC04)
- Peck Hall (KC24)
- Peckham Farm Animal Center (PF85)
- Peckham Farm Central Lab Animal Facility (PF59)
- Peckham Farm Feed Storage Building (PF68)
- Peckham Farm Field Building (343)
- Peckham Farm Veterinary Storage (PF11)
- Phi Gamma Delta (123)
- Phi Sigma Sigma (126)
- Planetarium (KC22)
- Police Station (KC98)
- Potter Building (KC15A)
- President's House (KC32A)
- Public Safety (KC27A)
- URI Quad (138)
- Quinn Hall (KC06)
- Ranger Hall (KC15)
- Research and Grant Accounting (KC64)
- RI On-Site Waste Water Training Compound (PF54)
- Rodman Hall (KC13)
- Roosevelt Hall (KC10)
- Thomas M. Ryan Center (KC33A)
- Sherman Building (KC78)
- Sigma Delta Tau (120)
- Sigma Chi (349)
- Sigma Kappa (119)
- Sigma Pi
- Skogley Turf Research Center (KC41)
- Social Science Research Center (KC77A)
- Swan Hall (KC37)
- Taft Hall (KC17)
- Tennis Pavilion (KC84B)
- Texas Instruments House (KC48C)
- Tootell Physical Education Center (KC53A)
- Transition Center (KC21)
- Tucker Hall (KC43)
- Tucker House (KC20A)
- Turf Tool Storage Building (KC27B)
- Tyler Hall (KC49)
- University Village Buildings 1-7 (KC70)
- Wakefield House (KC35A)
- Washburn Hall (KC11)
- Watson House (KC97)
- Robert J. Higgins Welcome Center (KC72)
- Weldin Hall (KC45)
- White Hall (KC49A)
- Wiley Hall (KC46A)
- Women's Center (KC31A)
- Woodward Hall (KC40)
- Zeta Beta Tau (127)
- Zeta Tau Alpha (114)